About us

We embarked on a journey to revolutionize healthcare, driven by a simple belief: patients should be at the center of their own care. At Meeval, we're rewriting the narrative of healthcare, empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

Doctor and patients - the Meeval experience
Doctor and patient

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower individuals to take an active role in their own healthcare journey. We strive to provide patients with the tools, resources, and support they need to make informed decisions and actively participate in their care. By fostering open communication, collaboration, and personalized care plans, we aim to improve the overall patient experience and drive better health outcomes.

Our Vision

At Meeval, we envision a future where healthcare is centered around the individual. Our vision is to revolutionize the healthcare landscape by empowering patients and transforming the patient experience. We believe in a world where every individual has access to personalized care, seamless communication with their healthcare team, and the tools to take control of their own health journey. Join us as we pave the way towards a future where healthcare is truly patient-centric.

Doctor consulting a patient

Our Team

Meet the team powering Meeval, pushing it to new heights.

Dr. Aju Mathew
Dr. Aju Mathew


Sharan Varma
Sharan Varma


YE Stack Venture Studio
YE Stack


"The art of medicine is to use the science of medicine to treat the person and not the disease. Therein lies the convergence of the art and science in the practice of medicine."

Dr. Aju Mathew
Dr. Aju Mathew
Dr. Aju Mathew

About Dr. Aju Mathew

Dr. Aju Mathew is an American Board-certified medical oncologist and hematologist practicing in Kerala state in India. He is currently working at the MOSC Medical College (a rural medical college) and the Ernakulam Medical Centre (a private urban centre). He is also a senior medical advisor for the Karkinos Healthcare, which is an oncology start-up aiming to set up distributed cancer care centres across India. He also serves as a consultant at the Trivandrum Institute for Palliative Sciences.

Previously, he was an attending physician at the National Cancer Institute-designated Markey Cancer Center of the University of Kentucky and the Co-Director of the Hematology/Oncology fellowship training program. He has attained educational qualifications from Medical College Trivandrum, Karolinska Institute Sweden, University of Cambridge in England and University of Pittsburgh in the USA.

YE Stack Venture Studio

About YE Stack Venture Studio

YE Stack is a Venture Studio based out of India. The Studio creates a new way of building startups that combines deep expertise, a commitment to innovation, and a true partnership approach. YE Stack works closely with founders to bring their vision to life and help them grow and scale their business in a way that's sustainable and impactful.

Meeval is one such product from the Studio aiming to create significant value in the healthcare industry.

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